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Showing posts from April, 2011


It's spring! Spring casts a strange thoughts over me. We like children who have been given nuclear weapons and now do not know what to do with it. Whether to obliterate all or only to frighten someone. If a dog to drive into a corner, it will bite more. Don't need to make it that you will be sorry. Mind you don't fall into your own trap!


PASCHA CHRIST IS RISEN!!! TRULY HE IS RISEN!!! Thank you God for wonderful day like today!!!


HOLY WEEK Great and Holy Friday If someone thinks that he has freedom from others, he is wrong. Everybody  becomes responsible, forever, for everyone.  We live on the same planet and have no another. We have nowhere to escape. If Earth perishes, we'll perish, too.


HOLY WEEK Holy Thursday Holy Thursday begins with the celebration of vespers and the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil with a Reserved Eucharist in representation of the earthly presence of Christ realized at the Last Supper. In the evening, anticipating the Matins of Friday morning, the Holy Passion service of the reading of the Twelve Gospels is conducted. In these readings Christ's last instructions to his disciples are presented, as well as the prophecy of the drama of the Cross, Christ's prayer, and his new commandment.


HOLY WEEK Holy Wednesday I was writing a letter on English all morning. My English is poor and I have to study English more. The study of languages gives me the joy of knowledge of other cultures. The other culture gives me development of my inner life. So, I'll study English! :)


HOLY WEEK Holy Tuesday There are sun and  blue sky today outside. It's good. Why are we such different? Man and woman are as sun and moon, fire and water. Two worlds have given birth new world and it is  life. It's the act of creation.


Who does interested in art now? Nobody. The rich buy Picasso and Van Gogh's pictures not because they love Picasso or Van Gogh. The pictures of these artists are an excellent investment of money. Nobody will investment money in the unknown artist, even if he is the genius. The good artist is the dead artist. Only if the genius dies his works will buy. What does the artist do in that world, the world of money and evil? I do not know. I am very talented artist. I enjoy my work. I live in my world, the world of beauty and harmony. And I am happy!


You call me to be tolerant to evil. I do not want. You say that it is a freedom. What is the freedom? To be free - to be responsible! The free man has to realize of his responsibility before the people and the world. You do not love Christ, you laugh at him. But "He laughs best who laughs last". You love Satan, ok, it is your choice. You made cause, so you'll get effect. I'll wait.


Europeans! Does anybody thought about your future? Europe can not develop out of the cultural environment. And I want ask europeans:"Who will give you this development? Will there be a man who has no education and culture or the man who has ones?" What can the crowd give to the world except of the collapse world? "2016: Europe is nearly uninhabited," Baba Vanga said. I do not know how to understand this, but...


The phallus on Foundry bridge is recognised by the best product of visual art of 2010. «Really, it's very radical and strong project which has been purely technically realised masterly. The project which oversteps the bounds of art and interferes in real social space,» Art critic Alexander Evangely said. No comment... When an artist has nothing to say, he makes a phallus. A phallus as a symbol of contemporary art is the right symbol.  Unfortunately, the penis it's all that contemporary art can give to the world.


I come back from the Snowy Land. There are many snow in the Russian village. When you can see the virgin snow-covered land, you feel that you have got immunity from the vicious society. If Russian Art need only a big penis, then Damn it! I don't need such Art!


There are many artists in the world today. This is good. May we speak about new Renaissance in art? No! I see of many who want to earn by art any way, and only. Contemporary artists don't think about themselves as about the great artists. They don't think about meaning of the art and meaning of the life. The artist has not to deteriorate to the level of the crowd. The artist is the man who has to show to people the possibility of their development. The contemporary art shows only the way to destruction. It is the art without the future.