It's frost outside today. I sit at home and look out of the window. The room is warm and I am fine. God! Save and preserve who has no the warm room and who is not fine.
The more Man will be hate God, the more he will be like the satan. Man will never be alone. He will always be either with God or with the devil. He has no alternative, because nature abhors a vacuum.
And what is it excellence in Art? Everyone defines in his own way. I think no one can give definition excellence in Art correct. Somebody likes Velazquez, somebody likes Picasso. But we have a problem. And Velazquez's Art and Picasso's Art are perfectly. I think the word "excellence" is inseparably linked with God. And if you with God you will have a chance to get closer to excellence.
Unfortunately, when new year came, my pessimism hadn't vanished away. I look at the world and I see people do not want to change anything in their way of life. As always they want only bread and circuses. They do not want think about other people. No one wants to worry that the world is heading for the abyss. All as always. Therefore my pessimism laughs at my mind.