One nation cannot live at the expense of other ones. This is not normal. It means to oppose to God's laws. This nation will be destroyed, sooner or later.
The history does not develop by spiral. The history is the exclusive circle of our errors + a general disinclination to change. Humanity will be to shoot oneself in the foot now and again.
Slave cannot create. Slave can only destroy. One need not to be a slave to be slave. Many people are slaves of their habit or just they have slavish mentality.
Amateurishness is the worst that can be in our life. Amateurishness in religion will lead to loss of faith, and it means the loss of development. Amateurishness in art will lead to fall of morals and manners. Amateurishness in medicine will lead to your death. Amateurishness in politics is the death of all humanity.
Loneliness.., is it good or punishment? Undoubtedly, it's good for me. I seek loneliness, I wait for loneliness like manna from heaven. Because only loneliness can give the possibility to hear God.
Humpty dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty dumpty had a great fall; Threescore men and threescore more, Could not place Humpty as he was before. I always thought, what a stupid poem! Now, I think it is not so silly as it seems. Undoubtedly there is sense in it...
From the diary of my descendant: Mar 3, 2222 The last man from "Golden billion" put a bullet through his head. The other twelve billions people breathed a sigh of relief.