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“The Spiritual Realism of Valentin Massow

  “ There are lonely artists. They do not find any response or recognition during their lifetime. Away from the generations of their time, from the rapidly arising and drifting away “requests”, “directions” and “currents”, they contemplate and create their own, lonely, appealing as if not even to people (“Accept! Delve into ! Heal and get wiser ! ”), but to God (“Receive my lonely prayer!”). They do not turn away from people, but people turn away from them: people look but do not see, listen but do not hear, or, in the words of Heraclitus, " absent being present”.  I. Ilyin “The Lonely Artist”.   - I was four years old when my older brother was given colored pencils. I took these pencils and said: "I won't give them back ." And a person dear to me, my mother's sister, said: "Don't touch him, he will be an artist." (V. M.) ValentinMassow was born in 1937, on the centenary of the death of A.S. Pushkin , in the family of a provincial doctor an...
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Valentin Massov's birthday. April, 11


Яблоко Ньютона (фантастический рассказ)



This is my third animation film. "Supper with Picasso" is the title of my painting and the title of the animation film. "Supper with Picasso" is not a story of everyday life. These are my thoughts about Art. I think contemporary art follows a false scent. This is surreal off-the-wall humor. This is my protest against abomination in the contemporary art. Picasso said:" The real artists are Giotto and Rembrandt, I'm just a clown, who understood his time". He was right.